Animal Communication
Just what is animal communication?
Every thought, feeling and intention is a physical energy with its own frequency.
By becoming “in-tune” with those energies, animals (including human animals) are able to connect with and understand each other, even different species, on a subtle yet deeper level.
In this way humans and other animals are able to effectively communicate with eachother. The field that connects us, and through which the communications flow, is the vital energy frequency of unconditional love.
This is not “new age” thinking, but stems from ancient tradition. Indigenous people from all over the world have been working with Nature in this way since the beginning of time.
This was the original way of the world, when a human being was just another animal fitting in the circle of life, at one with all.
It is the natural way that all animals and even plants communicate with each other in order to co-exist in harmony on this planet.
Something happened to cause a great separation between humans and Nature
There are many, many traditional stories about the beginning of time and what happened to cause this separation, ranging from the Christian view of the Garden of Eden, to the Bushman view of how man disobeyed the Creator by using fire without his permission.
In all these stories there is a similar vein running through: humans were punished for not listening to the Creator, and were separated from Nature. Over the centuries we seem to have become more and more out of tune with the natural world and with animals who look and behave differently to ourselves.
We have forgotten the common language whereby all other species communicate: the silent language of intuitive communication; a language of empathy, emotions and feeling; a language of the heart.
We are all born with the ability to communicate in this silent, intuitive way.
As we get older and more conditioned to using logic and the spoken word, unless it is consciously cultivated, we slowly lose the innate skill of trusting our intuition, our “inner knowing”. Interspecies communication is about trusting our inner voice and being conscious and aware of our thoughts and feelings.
Positive intention, following our hearts and working with unconditional love and respect in everything we do, is the key to effective animal communication.
why learn this skill
Expand your life
Are you passionate about animals and the natural world? Do you find yourself wondering what goes on in the minds and hearts of animals and how they connect and communicate with each other? If so, then learning animal communication could be a life-changing experience for you. Animal communication is the ability to understand and connect with animals and all of Nature on a deep heart level. By learning this skill, you can gain a greater understanding of the animal world, how you fit into it and develop a unique bond with the beings who share this planet.
How does this happen?
When you learn how to communicate with animals, you begin to see the world from their point of view. You become more attuned to their needs and desires, as well as the intricate web of relationships that exist in the natural world. This newfound perspective can lead to a greater appreciation for the beauty and diversity of life on Earth. It could also inspire you to become an advocate for animal rights and conservation, as you witness first hand the impact that humans have on the natural world.
You can begin your adventure by exploring our many courses and webinars and open yourself up to a whole new realm of possibilities.
Tools to help you get started!
The offerings below are all available on the Animaltalk Africa Learnsite, plus much more.
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Guiding you in the subtle art of animal communication
Meditations with Wynter
This is Wynter’s original collection of meditations and visualisations exercises recorded when she first started teaching.
This timeless collection has been assisting people to tune in with the animals and nature for over 15 years.
This collection is available as a Digital Download for $10
Essential guide book for all animal lovers
Where is Biggles?
In this e-book, using very practical steps in the art of animal communication, Wynter Worsthorne helps you to know what to do if your beloved animal companion decides to go walk-about.
A FREE series of beautiful audio meditations.
7 Days of Meditations
Wynter invites you to take around twenty minutes each day to allow yourself to spend this time with the animals and Nature
Each day focuses on a different theme, each of which is meaningful and transformative, connecting you deeply with the one-ness of all beings, sharing support and love.