For the first time since 2019, Wynter will be facilitating an in-person workshop in the UK.
This one day gathering is focused on HEART (Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation) for Nature, with Mother Nature. The event will take place at the Chalice Well in Glastonbury.
An online course with 2 interactive live sessions facilitated by Wynter and Janine. We are relaunching this mini-course that was created in 2021. If this is all new to you, it is an excellent time to learn how YOU are able to communicate with all beings, and co-create positive transformation.
Jim Garrison of Humanity Rising IIC has a dialogue with Wynter Worsthorne, founder of Animaltalk Africa, South Africa’s most respected International Animal Communicator and Teacher offering online courses and workshops in animal communication. She has been working as a professional Intuitive Interspecies Communicator since 2001, and pioneered the teaching in South Africa. Wynter is passionate about assisting African wildlife and she works closely with various wildlife organisations and is a founding member of WAPFSA, the Wildlife Animal Protection Forum of South Africa, which focuses on advocacy and positive change.
We invite you to join Wynter Worsthorne of @animaltalkafrica, Eleni Gkikakis of @interspeciespeace and Christine Noble Seller of @conversationswithanimals for an introductory, experiential 90-minute webinar hosted by the @garnyouthhub!
Learn about Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC), the HEART method, PLUS initiatives and projects that are giving voice to the natural world AND creating positive transformation with the guidance of Nature.
A free, online gathering open to all for WORLD OCEAN DAY! Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation! Join us to listen to what OCEAN is asking of us, and how we can best serve Nature at this time.