Events & Webinars
Learn – Communicate – Interact
Our Events & Webinars
We host various ongoing Events & Webinars on Intuitive Interspecies Communication with Wynter Worsthorne and other experts in their fields.
These webinars are interactive with Q&A sessions on a myriad of topics related to the subject of animal communication, ranging from animal behaviour, missing animals, plant and animal wisdom and the healing power of Nature.
Join Our Newsletter to be notified of upcoming Events, Webinars & other Animal communication Announcements.
about these webinars
ALL online offerings are recorded so if the live event has already taken place you will still be able to listen to the Replay.
Please note there is sometimes a small fee levied to attend or access the replays. The Global Prayers, HEART Gatherings and most of the older Webinars are free, with an option to donate. When you register you will be redirected to our Online Academy learning site to enroll and watch the replays.
Webinar Announcement: Nature’s Voice in the Rights of Nature (RoN) 🌱
We invite you to join Wynter Worsthorne of @animaltalkafrica, Eleni Gkikakis of @interspeciespeace and Christine Noble Seller of @conversationswithanimals for an introductory, experiential 90-minute webinar hosted by the @garnyouthhub!
Learn about Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC), the HEART method, PLUS initiatives and projects that are giving voice to the natural world AND creating positive transformation with the guidance of Nature.
H.E.A.R.T. for Oceans
A free, online gathering open to all for WORLD OCEAN DAY! Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation! Join us to listen to what OCEAN is asking of us, and how we can best serve Nature at this time.
Humanity Rising – IIC – Summit replays
Humanity Rising IIC Summit Presentation Replays. Wynter Worsthorne is convening a series of speakers who use Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) in their daily lives. Watch the replays here.
Humanity Rising – IIC – The Language of the Universe.
Wynter Worsthorne is convening a series of speakers who use Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) in their daily lives. They use this to navigate the world as we know it, understand how to co-exist harmoniously with all species and create positive transformation. From protecting sacred animals and wildlife, to communicating with microbes and the elements, IIC is an essential part of life and our future on this planet.
The third World Biodiversity Forum
We are excited to announce that Wynter Worsthorne is one of the plenary speakers at the upcoming third World Biodiversity Forum, held in Switzerland, which brings together researchers across all disciplines of biodiversity science with practitioners and societal actors to explore how to move from science to actions and solutions to conserve biodiversity and set us on a path towards transformation for sustainability.
A Virtual StarLion Journey
Nature Communication with HEART - 3rd to 6th May 2024
A four-day on-line journey with live, interactive sessions - Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation
You are invited to join a HEART journey to listen to all beings of Nature for guidance on positive action for yourself, the environment, and the planet. The White Lion Prides who roam in protected areas of their endemic homelands, guide you on this journey.
Messages from the Animals – Replays
Connect with these Replays from the 7 Days of Rest, reweaving and Wholeness where we moved deeply into our hearts to listen for guidance from the animals during the first week of 2024. During these Replays, you will be guided into your own meditation and can then listen to the messages received by two experienced inter-species communicators, Wynter and Pea, who came together to be present with the animals, sharing their messages on each of the 7 days.
Wild-HEART for Rhinos
Welcome to our second Wild-HEART mini journey. (REPLAY)
An online guided journey with Wynter and the Rhino of the Kruger National Park.
After the success of the journey with the Hippopotamuses of the Kruger National Park, the Rhinoceroses were the next obvious teachers. Join the journey to hear what they are saying and see how YOU can make a positive difference.
Wild-HEART for Hippos
Welcome to our very first Wild-HEART mini journey. REPLAY
An interactive on-line journey guided by Wynter and the Hippos of the Kruger National Park. The Hippopotamuses of the Kruger National Park have been calling out. Join the journey to hear what they are saying and answer their calls.