A world of harmonious
co-existence with Nature.
We are excited to announce the registration of the AnimalTalk Africa Trust.
Registration Number : IT001010/2024(C)
The creation of a non-profit Trust is a natural culmination of the many years of pro-bono work Animaltalk Africa has engaged in. Wynter has dedicated her life to being in service of NATURE, the Trust formalises and offers a vehicle for the public to easily support this work.
The vision: “A world of Harmonious Co-existence with Nature” is supported by many and AnimalTalk Africa Trust strives to manifest this into current reality, through Intuitive Interspecies Communication.
AnimalTalk Africa Trust is a founding member of the Wildlife Animal Protection Forum of South Africa (WAPFSA) as well as a member of South African Government’s Wildlife Wellbeing Forum, consulting with government on behalf of NATURE.
The sole object for which the TRUST is created is to carry on one or more PUBLIC BENEFIT ACTIVITIES, as defined in Part 1 of the Ninth Schedule of the Income Tax Act, which also qualify as PUBLIC BENEFIT ACTIVITIES for the purposes of section 18A of the Income Tax Act.
More Specifically;
- To advocate for all animals and NATURE to be seen as stakeholders in any decisions made by policy makers, which affect their environment and/or well-being.
- To be known as a true voice for NATURE, working with the recognised and well documented principles of Intuitive Interspecies Communication.
- To facilitate consultative processes between humans, other animals and NATURE.
- To assist in conservation and preservation of natural habitats through purchasing and/or having rights to manage/rehabilitate critical pieces of land.
- To help educate and assist people in recognising their innate ability of connection to the natural world, and their ability to intuitively communicate with all beings.
- To assist other organisations who are aligned with NATURE and the TRUST’S vision.
- To work with indigenous and natural knowledge systems in order to represent NATURE and show a way of living which moves away from a consumptive model of domination to a harmonious model of co-existence.
- To offer sustainable management solutions to people living in areas where there is conflict with other animals.
- To support outreach initiatives involved in the media that are consistent with the TRUST’S vision and values.
- To develop educational programmes.
- To recognise, utilise and develop the knowledge and skills of people involved in projects relating to all animals and NATURE.
- To strive to influence scientific thinking so that alternative methods can be incorporated into research projects.
- To collaborate with other organisations to assist in rescue, rehabilitation and re-wilding of wildlife in need.
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