A virtual Wild-HEART mini journey to the wild Rhinos of the Kruger National Park.
You can now access the replay of this Interactive journey with Wynter and the Rhinos of the Kruger National Park.
The concept for these sessions developed after requests from our Virtual HEART Journey participants for more offerings, more often. We have created these short and affordable “mini journeys” for more people to enjoy and assist the African Wilderness.
After the success of the journey with the Hippopotamuses of the Kruger National Park, the Rhinoceroses were the next obvious teachers. Join the journey to hear what they are saying and see how YOU can make a positive difference.
All fees go towards the HEART work for Nature: Heart Energy Achieving Real Transformation and the physical actions requested from Nature.
This virtual journey includes:
- Exclusive Video Footage
- Meditations and Guidance
- The Wild-HEART Community